Call for Proposals


The JITZ board and CIT team welcome participants from all backgrounds and proposals for presentations, panels, workshops, creative projects, and other forms of engaged experiences inspired by the conference theme of “To Darkness . . .” Here are suggestions for areas to explore:

  • The writings of Jung, post-Jungians, adjacent authors, or literary works in a way that actively speaks to the psyche’s relationship with darkness.
  • The alchemical nature and relevance of darkness—historically, psychologically, culturally.
  • How psychological reflections on darkness can expand our understanding of the present moment and hold implications for the future.
  • Darkness as viewed from other disciplines such as mythology, literature, archeology, ecopsychology, somatic psychology, philosophy, religion, spirituality, information technology, political science, history, or neuroscience.
  • Experiential frameworks to proactively work with and tend to our relationship with darkness, as individuals or collectively or both.
  • Body-centered, somatic practices as a means of integrating and working with the conference theme.
  • Experiential research or activities that help explore an individual or group’s relationship with darkness.
  • Relationships between the host city of Santa Fe and its environs or communities as a way of illuminating the conference theme.
Proposal submissions that address the conference theme from other entry points are also encouraged. We intend for a conference that provides more than intellectual ways to explore the conference theme and encourage proposals that provoke and inspire active engagement with an experience of darkness.


PRESENTATION—An essay, exploration, research project, or story. May include arts-based research. 90 minutes

PANEL—A panel of three or more presenters speaking separately and with each other as a dialogic response to the conference theme. 90 to 120 minutes.

WORKSHOP—Experiential workshops lasting 3 to 6 hours (i.e. one-half to full day). Proposals should include a description of the workshop and process.

CREATIVE PRACTICE—Creative presentation that involves a practice or performance such as a film, dance or music presentation, visual arts exhibit (one’s own artwork or a curation), dramatic (short play) performance, etc. When appropriate, proposals can include images suggestive of the idea.

EMBODIED PRACTICE—An active group somatic, body-centered 15 to 20-minute session. For example: yoga nidra, guided meditations, or mind-body connection movement sessions. These practices are meant to be interspersed with the other types of conference presentations.


1. Draft your proposal as either an MS Word or PDF document and include the following information:

  • Full name of presenter (or presenters if a panel)
  • Email address of presenter or point person for panel
  • Proposal category (from the list above)
  • Title of presentation
  • A short description giving the conference committee an idea of how your proposal actively responds to the conference theme (350 words max).
  • If applicable, a list of any texts cited in proposal description
  • A 50-word (max) bio for each presenter
2. Fill out the Call for Proposals Form below, which includes uploading your document.

The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, March 3, 2025. Notifications about whether your proposal is accepted or not will be sent out by the end of April 2025.

The conference fee will be waived for presenters who are included in the final conference schedule.

Should you have any questions, email the CIT Conference Manager, Lisa Pounders, at

You can download a PDF with the information from this page here

Thank you!

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